This is the first in your mobile phone IMEI number * # 06 # out of the grip. 7 th and 8 th numbers from Darren on the phone, you can find out the countryof the product. If the the number 00 is the original Nokia mobile phone set of the Nokia center. If the number of 10, 70.91, or 01,07,19 then the set is of Finland . If you are 02 or 20, it is Germany or UAE. If you are 30 or 03 in Korea. If China is 40 or 04, 50 or 05, if Brazil or the United States.,If 60 or 06 then it is of Mexico or Hong kong. If it is 80 or 08 then it is made of Hungary. 13 or 31 when it was created Azerbaijan.
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